When it comes to one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, England, a part of the United Kingdom that shares its borders with Wales and Scotland, tops everyone’s must-visit bucket list. From exploring English villages to enjoying the most amazing English food, from shopping in England’s flea markets to checking out the splash of colors stroked on the walls of streets in London and Bristol, England is going to give you with the most unique travel experience.

The capital city, London has a plethora of options from age-old markets to contemporary concert venues and international music festivals, to keep you on your toes. The most popular attraction has to be the London Eye or the Millennium Wheel on the bank of River Thames which gives a 360° view of the city. Apart from the staggeringly stunning view of the London city, it also offers a 4D show which is a major attraction for the tourists.

The Tower Bridge (popularly known as the London Bridge) on River Thames has become symbolic to London. The walkway through the two magnanimous towers offers a panoramic view of the London city. England is also famous for its castles and palaces. Windsor Castle, the oldest and the largest occupied castle of the world, The Buckingham Palace, the palace of the Queen of England, Madame Tussauds Waxwork Museum, that houses the statues of famous celebrities are some of the other highlights of the English country.